Meet the Mess-Masters: Cynthia!


We have a silly staff, full of creative people. From art teachers to graphic designers, to actors and basketball athletes. Each creative master of the mess will share a piece (or more) of their lives with you and so we would love to introduce them.

Cynthia and her son!


Next up, is Cynthia! To us, she is our Curriculum Manager Resident Artist, and an amazing mom to one of the cutest two year olds in the world!

Because her son’s education is so important to her, she loves to take him to museums all over the Chicago area. When she has some time to herself, you can find her practicing her green thumb, reading, or throwing pots!

Her love for ceramics stems from the Kansas City Art Institute, where she received her Bachelor of Fine Arts as a Sculpture major. She went on to receive her Certificate in Early Childhood Education. Since her college days she taught children’s ceramic classes and preschool to 3 year olds!

Cynthia is our resource for anything and everything in the studio. From which paint to use on fabric or plastic, to how to make cheese or drive a fork lift (yes, she really knows how)! Coming from a large family of 6 kids she had to be creative to make her hand-me-down toys, new again! Cynthia uses the wide-range knowledge to think up fun ways to make new messes!





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